Tuesday, April 4, 2023

Swarnostava Vedukalu 2-4-2023 to 4-4-2023



April 4th 2023
Shivam ashram in Hyderabad is a marvelous structure in the form of a huge shivalinga which continues to inspire thousands of devotees, turned 50 today. A beautiful alter made of silver was dedicated at the Lotus feet by Shri Ratnakar managing Trustee, Shri Sathya Sai Central trust,  Shri Nimish Pandya, All India President SSSO India and other dignitories participated on this holy ocassion. 

Sri. Venkat Rao the state President of Telangana thanked Swami for the bountiful blessings 5 decades ago which moulded so many erstwhile youth into ideal men amd women of today.

Sri. Nimish Pandya in his address said Sivam stands tall as the spiritual hub of this part od the world because of dedicated devotees who have held the Fort and made the Sai Flag fly high.

He wholeheartedly thanked each and every devotee including the Balvikas children for.the dedicated effort in taking part in the holy mission.  


Shri Ratnakar in his  talk said he feels Swami's divine presence from the very time he step foot in the Shivam premises.  He said Shivam will be remembered as one of the rarest spiritual centres where the devotees contributed their physical labour and became part of a divine history. 

He said he could name a long list of families who were part of this holy mission. For everyone here Swami is an emotional connection. Everyone has an unshakable faith in Swami.

This city, which has formed a bond like no other, has really become a blessed city, true to its name. 

He appreciated the members of Sri Sathya Sai Media Centre for making a beautiful video on the history of Sivam. 

Shri Ratnakar continued to say, there are numerous Holy Shrines for Shiva in this country but this Shrine Shivam stands out because Parama Shiva Himself, personally monitored the construction of this holy premises which otherwise never happened in the history of mankind


This beautiful organisation is growing in leaps and bounds. Many would be wondering how such a huge organisation which has multiple diversity,   different cultural backgrounds still continues to run smoothly. Shri Ratnakar amidst big round of applause said it is only because Swami is the doer.

Swami has assured us that the  organisation which is bearing His holy name will continue to inspire till the existence of sun and the moon.  Shivam the headquarters of Sri Sathya Sai Movement in Telangana will also inspire millions of future generations for eternity and beyond he said

Shri Ratnakar opined that every Satsang in such Holy places like Shivam should be for the spiritual advancements and not for making new friends  new relationships new partnerships which will take an individual away from worship. No Avatar in His lifetime has made so many millions of devotees including those  who dont understand a word in Telugu, Hindi or even English. 
He ended his talk with a prayer to Swami to continue to bless everyone. 

He then felicitated long time devotees who gave their life for Swami's mission in Hyderabad.  
Those that were felicitated included
Sri Vemuri Durga Prasad's family who were instrumental in building Sivam as directed by Swami, 
Dr. SHYAM who wrote the book Shirdi to Parthi 
Sri Pradeep Chowdary who built the Sai school 
Meda Narasimhulu who built various facilities in the premises, Sri Raja Umapathi  Rao an immensely blessed devotee in whose house Swami used to stay multipe times before construction of Sivam . His son Sri Rajeswara Rao was felicitated.  
Sri Ramachandra, Sri Anand and family. 
Sri. Rama Krishna, Sri Siva Reddy who maintained the Sivam for very long time were also felicitated. 
Long time devotee Sri (Late)Raman Rao's son Sri Sagar was also felicitated 
Sri Naveen kumar, Santhosh Kunar, Sri Uday Sri Ram charan, Srinivas of Amberpet Sai Center and team were felicitated by Sri Rathnakar and Sri Nimish Pandya 

 Sri H.J. Dora, Smt. Geeta Reddy, Justice Surya Nanda Honorable Judge High Court of Telangana,  local MLA Sri. Venkatesh and other dignitories participated in this historic event.

Before the arathi Sri. Rao did the vote of thanks appreciating and admiring everyone for making this historic event HIS toric urging Swami to bless everyone 

With Pranams at the Lotus feet of our beloved Lord 

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